Popups is the section where when you click your right mouse button a little screen will popup. This is usually how all manual commands are controlled or based. This is the spot where you would install a command like this:
channel list popups
.op:/op $$1 <---now that is the alias I used to explain aliases and now
you see how you can link together the different sections
now all 3 section you can link to alias, but nothing can link to popups or remote. In popup goes commands like .whois:/whois $$1 which comes out to something like this:
__Bear__ is Bear@ * http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Pines/2398
__Bear__ on #mirc #mIRC4Fun @#mirc_scripts #mircscripters
__Bear__ using irc.ionet.net with new improved ingredients
__Bear__ has been idle 8mins 12secs, signed on Wed Nov 20 10:25:46
End of /WHOIS list.
<----Just thought I would add this and i'm sure you all have seen whois's and if not damn we are in trouble. There isn't to much to explain about popups it is a more learn as you go deal.
@@ 4 @@
@@ Brief description of Variables @@
Variables are %x =1. it is a identifier that starts with a % sign. now a
variable can have any value you wish. It can be a number(ex. %x = 1) or it can be text(ex. %x = it or %x = [DZE] simply going out in left field ). It stands for anything you want. There is no limit to what a variable can stand for. Now variable can't stand on its own like the other sections. It must be used in alias, popups, or some section of the remote. Although you can set the value of a variable without the other sections help by typing /set %x 1(but in 4.52 or lower you must type /set -q %x 1). You can type /inc %x 1(in all 4.52 - you need the -q switch)which will increase the value of %x by 1 now you can increase the value as much as u want at any time but if the value of the variable is in text then you must use /set %x <text here>. You have increased by using /inc but you can decrease by using the same principle except for the /inc should be a /dec. There isn't much to variables just knowing the commands. Here is an example of how to link together what you learned so far.
1:ON JOIN:#:/inc %joins 1
/visitors /msg # There has been %joins visitors today
.show visitors:/visitors
That is how you would link together events, aliases, and popups. There are endless accounts on how you can use variables just like this in commands:
if %ping 's value is Whoa don't do that it tickles - then
1:PING:/notice $nick %ping
That is an example of how to use it in the commands section. That is all there really is to variables hope you learned from this.
@@ 5 @@
@@ Brief description of Commands @@
Commands in short is what handles the ctcps from other clients. If someone pings you and you wish to have a poetic little responce like seen above then you would put that command line in this section. Such as 1:PING:/notice $nick hey now I don't ping you so you don't ping me .
It is also used for xdcc lists like 1:XDCC SEND #1:/dcc send $nick dze.zip among with anything you can think of you can have any sort of ctcp command you want but the thing is that in order for you to have that you have to imply it to a command in the command section. Now commands can now link to any section except popups examples
1:ON PING:/pnotice $nick
/pnotice /notice $$1 Hiya that tickled do it again
Now events has a whole nother way to handling ctcp's they go like if you ping someone you put a line like this:
But commands are the easiest section there is to learn if you know the identifiers or they get harder once you learn if statements.
@@ 6 @@
@@ Brief description of Events @@ @@
Events is usually your largest section because this is
what makes a script a script. This is what makes mIRC do
things automatically. Most of your statements are ON *
like ON JOIN or ON SERVEROP those are a couple of the
more used ones or even ON TEXT. They are expected
statements in a script example:
1:ON TEXT:Hello:#:/msg $chan well hello back $nick
now on text has several ways of writting it - it all
depends on where it takes place. That line is for the
channel but if you wanted it for a msg all you do is
substitute a ? for the # inbetween the 2 :'s. Now if you
want it to watch both you need a * and change the /msg
$chan to /notice $nick or /msg $nick. That will keep it
from sending it to a channel and send it to that person
instead. To learn all the identifiers that you can use
mearly type /help $ while mirc is open and that will
show you all the different identifers and ON statements. Best help you can recieve about mirc you will find in the mirc help file or faq I'm just tring to help here because alot of newbies have these questions
@@ 7 @@
@@ Brief Description of Raw @@ @@
Raw is a tricky one to explain so I'm gonna try my best
here. Raw is something you have learn on your own really
because it revolves around numerical numbers that if I
would sit here and list then it would be all day till I
am done. Raw is a section of the remote which listens
for example to a whois and with the proper codes you can
echo it to your channel window with 311:*:/echo 2
$active <what ever you want here> it is used to echo
stuff like when a channel is invite only you might see
on your channel screen that channel is invite only. Here
is an example:
This out of dze so if you use it just drop a line thanks
Å:Server:Å irc.ionet.net - with new improved ingredients
Å:__Bear__:Å has been idle 130 Seconds
End of /whois
I hope you understand that better now. If not email me at the address above with any questions and i'll be sure to get back to you as soon as possible with the answer to your questions.
@@ 8 @@ @@
@@ Brief Description of IF/THEN/ELSE @@ @@
if/then/else statements are still relately new to mirc,
but I will try my best to explain it to you. I can
probably explain this better with an example so here
is one:
11:ON BAN:#: {
if ($banmask iswm $address($me,0)) {
mode $chan -bo+b $banmask $nick $address($nick,2)
kick $chan $nick [User Ban Detected- $+ $banmask $+
Ok now this is a personal ban prot. It catches users
when they ban you and it will deop and ban that person
while at the same time it unbans you. Alright now in
this if a ban is set this command reacts. if ($banmask
iswm $address($me,0)) simply means if the ban is equal
to my address then if will react but if it doesn't then
it won't do jack. Now other then this I think it is best
if you read the help file mirc supplies they can explain
that much better then me so have fun and I hope this
Sorry to anyone that this isn't good enough for it is
more for the beginners, but the next one will cover the
more advanced users.
To the people who actually filled out my survey
To owl without you Iwould have neverlearned anything about mirc
To my friends for not getting pissed at me for ignoring you =P
To you the people who read this - if it wasn't for you I would not have had to write this
To Khaled Mardam-Bey & mIRC Co. without you people I wouldn't have a life, or a faq to write =]
email pnl4427@cpcnet.com or pnl4427@super.zippo.com